Hungry and Happy | 1983 Spago LA Food Festival Poster

1982 Spago LA Food Festival Poster

There are two things you make sure to do whenever you travel to a new city; try the local cuisine, and hit up a few antique/second hand stores. Who needs museums when you have food and vintage? 

This 1983 "Spago" Los Angeles Food Festival poster is making me hungry.

18 1/2 in wide x 39 1/2 in tall 


Celebrate Monotony | 1970s Central American Painting

1970s Central American Painting

We are all very familiar with the trite depressed artist narrative. A lot of art is indeed inspired by tragedy, that's why it's so refreshing to see a painting celebrating the mundane parts of life. 

This 1970's Central American painting is bursting with brightness. Someone pass me my sunglasses. 

16 in tall x 12 in wide 


Splashin' Around | 1976 Abstract Painting by Allie O'Leary

1976 Abstract Painting by Allie O'Leary

When you said you wanted a splash of color in the room, you had no idea it'd be this intense. There is literally no way to feel sad in the presence of this vibrant wall splashing. 

This 1976 abstract painting by Allie O'Leary is like a colorful Rorschach test. What do you see?

40 in x 40 in wide


Let's Start Tonight | Set of Pinky and Blue Boy Paintings

Set of Pinky and Blue Boy Paintings

"Blue Boy, what do you want to do tonight?" 

"The same thing we do every night Pinky, try to take over the world."

This set of "Pinky & Blue Boy" paintings hail from 1960. 

24 in tall x 34 in wide


Horse Off Course | Patrick Nagel Commemorative No. 13

Patrick Nagel

She lifted the hood over her head and rode off into the night. "It'll be a cold day in hell before I share my life with another ungrateful man." 

This Patrick Nagel commemorative no. 13. features a fashionable and hooded woman and an elegant horse. 

31 in wide x 43 in tall


Touch of Red | 1970s Silk Screen on Fabric

1970s Silkscreen on Fabric

The touch of red on this otherwise plain silk screen is both charming and relaxing.

This 1970s silkscreen on fabric features a buggy and covered bridge. 

28 in tall x 36 in wide 


Good Ship Lollipop | Contemporary Abstract Painting

Contemporary Abstract Painting

What’s the first thing you see when you look at this painting? If you have a insatiable sweet tooth like me (or you are seven years old) you probably said “a lotta lollipops!!” No shame.

This contemporary abstract painting will have your mind playing tricks on you. 

24 in wide x 30 in tall


Feng Shui & the Art of Selling a House

Feng Shui & the Art of Selling a House

Selling a house is easy right?  That's why realtors charge super low commissions and the whole process is a breeze!

OK - now that we've all had a good laugh, today we're going to look at how, with a bit of homework and some great vintage items, you can make the whole thing not only enjoyable, but incredibly profitable too!

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Unwind and Disengage | 1977 Vintage Painting

1977 Vintage Painting

Warning: hanging this serene painting in your reading corner might just inspire you daily to unwind and disengage. 

This vintage painting of a meadow and quaint building was painted in 1977.

23 in tall x 38 wide 


Take It Easy | 1970s Vintage Art Pieces

1970s Vintage Art Pieces

When the sun sets, it casts a quiet spell on all that it previously illuminated. "You've worked hard today, you can relax now." 

These 1970s vintage art pieces feature botanical designs with scenic backgrounds.

Various sizes


Perfect Pout | 1977 Large Lips Painting

1977 Large Lips Painting

While some women are on the hunt f or the perfect pout, you're busy scouring flea markets, eBay and estate sales for art that embodies sensuality and playfulness. Look no further.

This large lips painting circa was painted by Allie O'Leary in 1977. 

40 in wide x 40 in tall


Funky Safari | 1984 African Wildlife Foundation Art Print

1984 African Wildlife Foundation Art Print

If you were a fan of Lisa Frank trapper keepers and pencil erasers, then you'll likely need this art print hanging on your walls. 

This 1984 African Wildlife Foundation art print is entitled "Serengeti”.

23 in tall x 35 in wide


Staying Alive | Vintage Oil Painting by Fran Johnston

Vintage Oil Painting by Fran Johnston

“Medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for." -Dead Poet’s Society

Let’s go ahead and add “art” and “vintage furniture” to that list. 

This vintage oil painting of a man is the work of Californian artist, Fran Johnston.

16 in wide x 19 in tall


Cat Roomies | Mid-century Cat Print

Mid-century Cat Print

Dogs are cute and all but the amount of love and attention they need can be overwhelming. Your independent cats are more like your roommates, and less like needy children (and that suits you just fine.)

This mid-century cat print by Penn Prints of New York includes the elegant frame. 

13 in wide x 17 in tall


Confusion or Contemplation? | Large Print of Man

Large Print of Man

Did he drink too much the night before? Is he giving up on pursuing the love of his life after being rejected one too many times? Is he contemplating the meaning of life? Or is he enjoying the simple comfort of curving his spine in a fetal like position as the gentle breeze caresses his back? 

This large print of a man features a unique matting and frame design. 

38 in tall x 44 in wide


Sensual Strength | 1980s Patrick Nagel Commemorative

1980s Patrick Nagel Commemorative

Patrick Nagel has a lovely way of depicting the beauty, sensitivity, sensuality and strength of a woman without exploiting the obvious. Now that’s talent. 

This 1980's Patrick Nagel commemorative #4 is pleasing to the eye. 

29 in wide x 42 in tall 


The World Over | Oil Painting of a Village

Oil Painting of a Village

Who knows which village inspired this artist to bring his or her vision to life? Whether they were in Portugal, Italy, or the South of Spain, one thing is sure, when you look at this painting, you’ll feel nostalgic, like you were once there too. 

This oil painting of a charming village was envisioned in 1972. 

21 in wide x 24 in tall


Allergen Free | 1965 Dog and Cat Painting

1965 Dog and Cat Painting

The love of a furry friend is unlike any other on the planet. Unfortunately for you, your watery eyes and stuffy nose disagree. 

The only tears you’ll shed around this 1965 adorable dog and cat painting, are tears of joy. 

20 in wide x 26 in tall


Strut and Stuff | 1950s Ceramic Rooster Lamp

1950s Ceramic Rooster Lamp

There is a new sheriff in town, and he’s got only one job to do, to strut his stuff. 

This 1950's ceramic rooster lamp will certainly be the cock of the town.


Magical Metamorphosis | Mixed Media Butterfly Art

Mixed Media Butterfly Art

Happiness is not a means to end. Instead, we should embrace the high and low, the ebb and flow, and all the opening and closing of doors we encounter along the way.

This vintage mixed media original artwork titled "Butterfly" was signed by the artist, "Edward Beyer".

40 in wide x 30 in tall
