A Tisket, A Tasket

A Giant Wicker Basket

This wicker basket makes your pile of laundry look like, well, a pile of laundry.

You aren't a college freshman anymore. You have no excuse to throw your dirty socks on the floor any longer. Instead, toss them in this stylish wicker basket.

21 in wide x 30 in tall


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SOLD | Portion Control Desk

Mini Tanker

You drive a mini cooper. You buy the 100 calorie cans of Coca-Cola. Buffets are out of the question. You believe in portion control through and through.

This particular desk is quite compact. Although small, the user would never feel claustrophobic. A tall male would be quite comfortable putting in many hours behind this desk.

The industrial, utilitarian feel of this tanker desk is both Modern and Classic.

The desk is made of wood and has a laminate top. There are three drawers in total, one for writing utensils, one for miscellaneous papers, and a deeper drawer for files. Perfect size for a slim laptop in an industrial Downtown Loft or for a college student's studio apartment.

3 ft wide x 2 ft deep x 29 3/4 in tall


Feel free to contact us by phone at  323-644-5590 or email us at casavictoriala@gmail.com.