Take a Bite | Vintage Stoneware Cookie Jar

Vintage Stoneware Cookie Jar

Gluten free, dairy free, preservative free. No matter what kind of cookies you stuff in here, your kids will be absolutely delighted to take a bite. 

This vintage stoneware cookie jar is sweeter than the sweets you’ll put inside. 

11 in tall x 8 in wide x 7 in deep


Cookie Crumbles | Set of Three Vintage Frog Containers

Set of Three Vintage Frog Containers

Still haven't found your prince charming? Don't fret! There are plenty of crumbly cookies to keep your mouth occupied in the meantime. 

This set of vintage frog containers would be great for cookie storage.


Sweet Sweets Jar | 1970s Ferdinand The Bull Cookie Jar

1970s Ferdinand Bull Cookie Jar

The Story of Ferdinand is a classic children's book that tells the story of a bull who prefers smelling flowers than fighting in bullfights. If you fancy yourself a pacifist in a world seemingly full of warmongers, then this sweet 'sweets jar' is just for you.

This 1970s 'Ferdinand The Bull' cookie jar is as sweet as pie.

8 in wide x 7 in deep x 12 in tall
