China Shop | Vintage Bull Sculpture

Vintage Bull Sculpture

Ceramic sculptures and glass vases have about as much chance of survival in your house as a bug heading straight for your windshield. Toddlers are like bulls in a china shop. 

This vintage bull sculpture was carved from wood.

14 in wide x 9 in tall x 4 in deep


Sweet Sweets Jar | 1970s Ferdinand The Bull Cookie Jar

1970s Ferdinand Bull Cookie Jar

The Story of Ferdinand is a classic children's book that tells the story of a bull who prefers smelling flowers than fighting in bullfights. If you fancy yourself a pacifist in a world seemingly full of warmongers, then this sweet 'sweets jar' is just for you.

This 1970s 'Ferdinand The Bull' cookie jar is as sweet as pie.

8 in wide x 7 in deep x 12 in tall
