B is for Bond | Mid-Century Mexican Painting of Mother and Child

The bond between a mother and child begins from conception and is further strengthened during bath time. The child may not remember much of these years but the mother will never forget the feeling of her baby's tiny foot in the palm of her sudsy hand. This mid-century Mexican painting of a mother and child includes the original frame.

30 in wide x 38 in tall


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A Mother's Embrace Painting

Home Is Where Your Mother Is

Nothing can replace the love of a mother. No matter what age you are, you'll always feel like a child in your mother's warm embrace.

She loved you when you called your teacher a swear word, when you stole the car, and when you broke her favorite necklace. And she will love your children with that same unabashed, unconditional fervor, forever and ever.

This oil painting entitled " Phoebe" is signed by the artist , George McCullough circa 1965. Done in a Mexican/Muralist style.

36 3/4 in wide x 37 3/4 in long


Feel free to contact us by phone at  323-644-5590 or email us at casavictoriala@gmail.com.