SOLD | Tailored Fashion | Long and Low Mid-Century Sofa With Peg Legs


Any one that has ever gone dress shopping knows that finding the perfect silhouette can be exhausting. The same holds true when shopping for sofas. Just picking any old silhouette may have been acceptable when you were furnishing your studio apartment in college, but you are older now, and you deserve a sofa that is more tailored and well put together, like this one. This long and lean mid-century sofa comes complete with retro peg legs, a walnut trim, and sloped arms. Sofa is extremely comfortable. Enjoy as is or reupholster to your taste.

34 in deep x 90 in long x 27 in tall


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Long, Lean, and Low | White Naugahyde Mid-Century Sofa

You like your women like you like your sofas, long and lean. This sexy white naugahyde mid-century sofa sits low to the ground. The long and lean stature, dowel legs, and low arms are all kinds of right.

96 in long x 32 in deep x 30 in tall


Email us here or call us today at 323-644-5590 to see if these items are still available

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Casa Victoria's key strength is that we are always adding new merchandise, sign up for the monthly newsletter below to be notified of new items. We promise we won't spam you - ever.