Giraffe Gestation | Vintage Giraffe Mirror

Vintage Giraffe Mirror

Nine months isn't nearly enough time to nest, especially when you're an over-achiever, perfectionist. Giraffes, on the other hand, get between 13-15 months. Not fair!

This vintage giraffe mirror was crafted in 1975.


That Giraffe Life | Mid-century Metal Giraffe Sculpture

Mid-century Metal Giraffe Sculpture

How nice it must be to be a giraffe. When you feel hanger approaching, you can just stretch your neck up and grab a low dangling fruit. 

This mid-century metal giraffe sculpture is tall and in charge.

12 in tall x 8 in deep x 4 in wide


SOLD | Pounced by a Puma | 7 Hand Carved Kenyan Giraffes

Ever dream of going on a wildlife safari but too scared of getting trampled by a rhino or pounced on by a puma? Just because you are too chicken to be a globetrotter doesn't mean you can't decorate with relics from abroad. This beautiful collection of seven hand carved Kenyan giraffes are a delight to people of all ages.


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